Anetta reveals the leader of Nebula as Dr. Regal, then she is kidnapped by Ms. Yuri and flown off in a helicopter. Now back to MegaMan NT Warrior Axess.
Plot Synopsis
After re-watching the last scene of the last

They take a helicopter to the ship and a dimensional area pops up. They land just before it locks them out, and Cross-Fuse on board. They fight a few dozen viruses, who are also attacking the ship. The viruses have been sent by ShadeMan, and he's coming after Regal as well. Ms. Yuri leads Lan and Chaud to Dr. Regal who has Anetta lying unconscious before him. Lan and Chaud want to know why he betrayed the human race, and Chaud demands Regal let Anetta go, then Dr. Regal gives the most silly sounding line in the show.
"Ha ha, you're not in a position to make any demands now to answer your questions," and then he goes on talking for like five minutes. He doesn't say anything that we as the audience don't already know, but the characters get to hear all of it to recap it. Anyway, then ShadeMan shows up pissed off and ready to attack Regal, but Chaud stops him, afraid the battle will injure Anetta.
Him and Lan must really care about her safety, because when ShadeMan starts kicking their ass, they both unleash a program advance (Life Sword and Zeta Cannon) which nearly blow up the god damned ship, and knock out Lan and Chaud's cross-fusion. It only manages to amputate ShadeMan's arm, who seems more annoyed than hurt by this, but before he can take his next attack to Regal, Regal escapes and leaves his own NetNavi, LaserMan there to stop ShadeMan.
LaserMan blasts the fuck out of ShadeMan, and they both log out and drop the dimensional area. Lan and Chaud go wake up Anetta, and she's okay. They aren't out of danger yet though, as ShadeMan, miffed about losing an arm, decides to blow the whole fucking ship up from the reactor. With no way to escape, Lan and Chaud jack MegaMan and ProtoMan in to stop ShadeMan.
The fight doesn't go well, and ShadeMan single-handedly (rimshot) thrashes them around. Desperately, Lan contemplates using the Dark Chip Anetta gave them to stop ShadeMan, but if he does so, MegaMan would join the darkloids. MegaMan sees what Lan is doing, and yells for him to use the Dark Chip. "Do it Lan! It's the only way, we're out of time! If I do this, at least you guys can escape..." Lan grits his teeth and goes to download the Dark Chip, but Chaud snatches it out of Lan's hands.
"Forgive me ProtoMan," says Chaud, and he downloads the Dark Chip into his PET. ProtoMan is powered up by the Dark Chip, and takes a shot at ShadeMan, seemingly incapacitating him. ProtoMan begs MegaMan to delete him before he becomes his enemy, but MegaMan can't do it. ProtoMan tells Chaud it was an honor to be his navi, but before they have time to grieve, ShadeMan grabs MegaMan. In their last act of desperation, MegaMan and ProtoMan DoubleSoul, and MegaMan receives ProtoSoul. With ProtoSoul, MegaMan is able to finally strike at ShadeMan hard enough to cause him to log out.
Chaud tries jacking ProtoMan out, but to no avail, and ProtoMan teleports away screaming in pain. The Net Police finally arrive with helicopters, and a very grief stricken Chaud boards the plane with his head hung low.
ShadeMan hobbles back to his fortress, only to discover LaserMan there at his throne. Unfortunately for ShadeMan, all the darkloids have betrayed him and now obey Nebula. They also stand with a new darkloid, ProtoMan, who shoves ShadeMan into a pit where he's sealed away.

Seeing Chaud in such pain, Lan vows to himself to stop the dark chips at any costs.
The music in this episode is actually pretty catchy in the beginning, and trust me, I'm one of the last people to notice this sort of thing. Plot wise, there isn't a lull in the episode. This is the mid-season finale, and we're starting a new major arc with Dark ProtoMan. There's a ton of action this episode, some major character moments for the main cast, and some real game changers in the plot twists. You definitely leave this episode wanting to see what happens next, which is about as good as it gets for any show.
The only things I would complain about are the dimensional area generators sliding up out of the ship, because they look shitty as usual, and the other thing would be Dr. Regal himself. His villainous speech is silly, and the whole Dark Chip sequence is completely ruined by them overlapping Regal's face saying things like "DO IT! USE THE DARK CHIP! BWAHAHAHAHA!" Totally unnecessary and dumb looking.

It also seems weird to have MegaMan solve the conflict with DoubleSoul instead of the Dark Chip saving them, as it looks as if ProtoMan's sacrifice was a bit premature, but I guess the characters can't predict when DoubleSoul will go off. Really though, this episode only has nit picking complaints from me, and is otherwise a good episode.
Rating: Thumbs up!
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