A new NetNavi SearchMan is trying to stop

Using Dark Chips, ShadowMan corrupts the security navi's, forcing them to try and destroy the Control X System, and MegaMan as well. MegaMan hesitates to fight the Navi's under control of the dark chips, and in doing so, is almost deleted. Just at that moment, SearchMan shows up and deletes all the security Navis. ShadowMan makes a temporary retreat, while MegaMan derides SearchMan for being so heartless.
SearchMan is a Net Savior Navi, and his only mission is to protect the Control X System, by any means necessary. When ShadowMan hijacks a nearby air plane, loaded with innocent passengers, MegaMan runs to their rescue, while SearchMan stays behind without the slightest concern for the potential loss of life.
MegaMan battles ShadowMan, but all doesn't go so well when ShadowMan powers up with a Dark Chip. From afar, SearchMan scopes in on ShadowMan with MegaMan also in his line of sight. SearchMan remembers what MegaMan said, and saves MegaMan from deletion, deleting ShadowMan in the process. MegaMan thanks SearchMan, who starts thinking compassion might be worth trying.
Meanwhile, Nebula has had enough time to cloak their satellite from Control System X... so I guess the whole plot was a waste of time???
This episode does that really annoying thing that happens in all foreign dubs, where the characters say way too many damn lines as fast as possible. It's hard to get a natural flow of dialog when you're translating every word in the same amount of time they are using to say it.
This ends up with a lot of situations where MegaMan talks like this, "Hey guys I am MegaMan oh no SearchMan you are being a jerk Lan we have a problem but this time I think we are okay oh hey there's ShadowMan and he's got a lot of hostages boy I better do something before things get out of hand uh oh I am running out of breath from all my talkin-" then the actor passes out.
There's also a lot of situations drawn where the characters mouths aren't in view, done to save time on lip syncing no doubt. I wouldn't even point this out if it weren't so blatantly obvious this episode. You would think this would give the dubbers a perfect excuse not to do that fast talking thing I pointed out above, but I guess they don't feel comfortable editing out huge chunks of pointless dialog.
Story wise this episode is alright, and I think I said it before, but I really like SearchMan's Battle Network redesign. His hardened soldier personality, combined with one less talking head, works much better in my opinion, even if in Battle Network, his character is frankly insane. This episode also stays away from a lot of the Cross-Fusion junk, and gets MegaMan more screen time, which is always good. Then of course, deleting ShadowMan is also a plus (although he also comes back to life in Stream).
Speaking of ShadowMan, why is he seen as a threat anyway? I've yet to see ShadowMan have a single battle where he's even remotely dangerous. I mean, go back and watch, MegaMan usually takes him out without breaking a sweat, and usually with only one battle chip. Watch this episode as ShadowMan stands still while MegaMan blows a fan at him for Christ's sake! Even juiced up on a dark chip, ShadowMan goes down from a regular shot from SearchMan. He's just lucky MegaMan isn't using Top Spin, the worst weapon of all time. Seriously ShadowMan, you're a pussy.
Rating: Thumbs up!
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