This episode plays tribute to possibly the greatest

Anyway, the guy trades his curry tab for a weird device called a Net Wrecker. Initially Yahoot, and World Three deride Dex for making the stupid trade, but to their surprise, the device actually powers up GutsMan an incredible amount. Since Lan and MegaMan just happen to be stopping by on their way back from Kingland, what better time then now to finally defeat them once and for all?
World Three lure Lan into a friendly matchup, and just as MegaMan starts winning, Dex pulls out his ace in the hole. He activates the Net Wrecker, which causes GutsMan to increase in power and size tremendously, but Lan is still able to work up a strategy to put up a fight. Dex goes full throttle on the Net Wrecker, blowing up the machine and sending GutsMan into an uncontrollable rage! Now much bigger, and more dangerous, GutsMan starts wreaking havoc on the cyber network... oh yeah, and Dex wins the match by the way.
Realizing they've got bigger problems (I made a pun), they run the Net Wrecker back to the noodle merchant, who says he got it from some guy named Tadashi Hikari, Lan's grandfather. Through a quick series of coincidences, deus ex, and straight up bullshit, they determine that the only way to stop GutsMan is to put him to sleep, and wait for the Net Wrecker effects to wear off. To do that, they gather up a bunch of Spicy Chips, which apparently now put NetNavis to sleep.
GutsMan gets tuckered out, day is saved, everyone hugs and goes home.
Definitely an improvement over the last episode, with a lot of great imagery (such as GutsMan climbing a tower holding Roll) and quirky moments. An episode with World Three is always a plus, even if their role has shrunk even smaller than before, and unlike Dex's last episode, his sudden being a jerk trait has been toned down as well.
The only real problem with this episode is how much crap the writers pull out of their ass to resolve the conflict at the end. Coincidences happen in shows all the time, but a crap load happening at the same time is what we called contrived. It's not an episode killer though, about what you'd expect from this show. It's a decent homage to King Kong for MegaMan, and that makes it worth watching at least.
Rating: Thumbs up!
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