Thursday, February 18, 2010

Axess: Space Junk

Plot Synopsis
A NetNavi without a NetOp named JunkDataMan (why are they adding words to the original characters names?) is floating around in space collecting space debris. Well he just happens to come across a AyanoTech space station, which prompts Yai to kidnap Lan and everyone to fix the problem.

In a series of jokes to remind the audience that Yai is rich, Lan and Co. blast off to the space station, where they battle JunkDataMan. JunkDataMan apologizes for taking the stuff, and just says that he was lonely. They all get together and teach JunkDataMan what is okay for him to take, and what isn't. He sees them off, waving his new friends goodbye as MegaMan gives Lan a sappy message about picking up after yourself.

Well, at least JunkMan got out of this show a lot better than the games, but we the viewer sure didn't. This is really an episode where nothing interesting happens, nor does anything funny happen either. I like the voice they gave JunkDataMan, but the rest of the episode is really mediocre. It seems like that shouldn't happen considering it takes place in outer space... actually, what the hell is Lan doing in outer space? Sigh, I know the show is going to get worse in that regard soon anyway, what's the point of complaining?

What keeps this episode down the most are just the lame jokes. It's a real snore fest this episode.

Rating: Thumbs down.

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